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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Dashkov G.V. Theoretical premises and practical opportunities for an effective participation of Russia in the work of international organizations for crime prevention

Abstract: The issues of cooperation and a collective experience in crime prevention are traditionally among the top-priority and undisputed issues of international relations. It can be explained by the fact that there are not so many factors dividing the states as compared to those uniting them. Thus it’s easy to understand why the scientific researches and comparative studies, which had been carried out in different periods of time by the authors having sometimes opposite views and beliefs, contain the same idea that our contradictory and often conflictive world is nonetheless characterized by the common strategic aspiration for interrelation of peoples, their solidarity and will to struggle together against the common evil such as criminality. To achieve the research objectives the author applies general scientific and specific methods of analysis, synthesis, the structural-logical method, statistical and other methods of scientific cognition. The author offers to create a regional scientific and research criminological centre of the UNO on the territory of the Russian Federation. The author supposes there are no insuperable political, economic, legal, personnel or institutional and management barriers to it. It is not that difficult to develop the subject area for scientific researches of this centre. 


participation of Russia, international organization, prevention, criminality, contact, interrelation, appeal, offender, opportunity, premis

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