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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Pavlov I.S. (2016). Universal Human Problem of “Having a Tsar in One's Head”. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 199–209.
Pavlov I.S. Universal Human Problem of “Having a Tsar in One's Head”Abstract: The article deals with such issues as development and implementation of technology in the program preparing young people for life in our dynamic, changing, unstable world, keeping yourself as a person, the individual, avoiding many dangers waiting for him, so widely represented in the realm of possibility. According to the author, it is very important not to repeat mistakes that are usually made at the transient stage when society adopts another socioeconomic formation. It was well summarized by the Nobel laureate Alferov who said that 'We were thrown into the water but nobody had taught us to swim'. In his research Pavlov emphasizes the fact that school is not only the place where education is provided, it is also the place where young people are being prepared for life in a dynamic and rapidly developing society. The research is based on the clinical psychotherapeutic method, in particular, comparison of data about deviant behavior of young people with the criterion behavior of others. The author analyzes what intrapsychic mechanisms and qualities block deviant behavior in similar life situations experienced by young people demonstrating normal patterns of behavior. According to the author, these mechanisms and qualities should be highly regarded by teachers and parents. For the first time in the academic literature the researcher pays attention to the factors and qualities that young people with deviant behavior lack rather than analysis of particular patterns of deviant behavior. Instead the author focuses on intrapsychic mechanisms that should be regarded in the process of raising and teaching young people in order to prepare them for life in a dynamic, changing, unstable world. The author also underlines that the main factor of positive tendencies is the self-preservation instinct that has a systematically important nature. Conclusions: 1) School is not only the place where education is provided, most importantly it is the place where young people are prepared for life in our changing, developing and dynamic world. 2) It is important to support the systematically important factor typical for all living creatures including young people - the self-preservation instinct and particular displays of this instinct including the positive Self developed in the process of interaction with the surrounding world. 3) It is important not only to live 'here and now' in order to live a full life as Greeks did, but also to think about the future. 4) While exercising our 'free will', it is important to consider moral, ethical, legal, biological, social, physical, educational and other factors and rules in order to be successful in life. 5) Nobody is absolutely happy in this world. Difficulties and failures are experienced by everyone from time to time and it is important to remember that overcoming difficulties help to develop personal traits such as mental stability and persitence. Ability to overcome difficulties helps us to succeed in the future. 6) Life is a kaleidoscope of very different situations, therefore we should not think of difficult situations as life 'dead ends' or lose the value and menaing of life (whether it is a bad exam grade, love failure, etc.). It is important to remember that in a little while a young man or woman will smile when remembering his or her bad grade, and their failure in a love affair will only teach them that the first love is not always the only one, on the contrary, it may teach young men to be more optimistic, to become more attractive and to ignore difficulties as something ephemeral. Very often young people are even happy that they did not bind their life with their first love. Famous composer Shalyapin was not accepted to the conservatory at his first trial, either. 7) Life is the most important value that we have (Schweizer talked about 'reverence for life') and no matter how difficult it may be, it is an interesting, creative and venturesome process. Keywords: deviant behavior, psychotrauma, freedom, personality, psychotechnics, human existence, evolutionary approach, self-preservation, instinct, construction of the future
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