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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Koblikova L.V. Development of Physical Identity of Preschoolers Living in Different Social Conditions

Abstract: In her research Koblikova describes peculiarities of personality development of preschool orphans, the role of physical identity in a child's self-awareness, and negative consequences of chronic muscle tension and emphasizes the importance of free movement, relaxation skills, ability to say and point out body parts and to understand facial expression of others. The subject of the research is the formation of physical identity of preschool children. The purpose of the research is to describe specifics of physical identity of children living in orphanages compared to children who grow up in the family environment. The researcher has ued psychodiagnostic methods ("My face and body"; "Make a Person out of Body Parts", "Dress Up a Doll") and standardized observation (free play, organized outdoor game and tactile contact during the massage). The results show that the majority of orphans have a distorted sense of location, difficulties of physical development; and poor development of self-help skills. Less than half of them can specify the parts of their face and body. Approximately half of the orphans have demonstrated average and low levels of development of physical reactions that may indicate serious problems of physical identity. Directions of practical psychological assistance to these children are discussed.


mental retardation, preschool age, personal development, facial expression, movement, physical identity, muscle tension, orphans, body, identity

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