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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Lyashenko V.V. General Model of Avoidance Behavior Typical for Psychogenic Disorders

Abstract: This article discusses the causes of avoidance behavior typical for psychogenic disorders. The author offers his own model of avoidance behavior that leads to increased emotional stress, formation of distress and development of psychogenic disorders. By assuming that the most common symptoms in the development of psychogenic disorders are anxiety and depression, most notably manifested in neurotic spectrumof psychogenias, the author builds his explanatory model based on the example of the development of anxiety and depressive disorders. Assuming that one of the key personal factors causing the neurotic state is the factor of the loss of the meaning, contextually related to the exclusion phenomenon, the author relates these phenomena to anxiety and depression concluding that depressive disorders are the meaning loss syndrome, and anxiety disorders are the alienation syndrome. The methodological basis of the model is the presentation of the author's view on experience in terms of its qualitative definiteness as well as the method of quality structures. Avoidance behavior is described as the combination of four aspects of alienation: avoidance of intimacy, avoidance of stress and pain, avoidance of action, and avoidance of choice. The article is recommended for psychologists and psychotherapists.


neurotic disorder, alienation, emotional stress, stress, anxiety, loss of the meaning, loss of prospects, feeling impossible, personal position, depression

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