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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Pshenichnaya V.V. (2016). The Use of Meditation to Reduce Anxiety Levels of College Students in the Exam Situation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 124–129.
Pshenichnaya V.V. The Use of Meditation to Reduce Anxiety Levels of College Students in the Exam SituationAbstract: The author of the article analyzes the problems of application of meditative methods for correction of psycho-emotional state in a stressful situation. The author reveals the specifics of using meditative techniques in psychological practice, provides an overview of the mechanisms of positive influence of such techniques on the psychological state. The object of the research is the use of meditative techniques in the educational environment, the subject of the research is the effect of meditation on psycho-emotional state of college students who are taking exams. The aim of the author is to draw the interest of Russian psychologists and psychotherapists to the use of meditative practices. Research methods include theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the problem under consideration; testing of students of at the techer training college; statistical methods (descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, Spearman's criterion). Statistical data processing was performed using the software package "SPSS 20". The main result of the research is the reduction of the level of situational anxiety experienced by college graduates when preparing for final state exams through using meditative techniques by the psychologist. The important conclusion is that the meditation seems to be a universal method of relieving emotional stress, in particular anxiety in a stressful situation. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author uses meditation as the means of anxiety reduction in conditions of the educational process. Keywords: student, exam, anxiety, situational anxiety, meditation techniques, educational process, personal anxiety, meditation, persona, perception
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