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National Security
Erzin A.I., Alistratova E.Yu. (2016). The problem of Juvenile cyber-delinquency in the aspect of studying the properties of identity of a cyber-aggressor. National Security, 2, 286–293.
Erzin A.I., Alistratova E.Yu. The problem of Juvenile cyber-delinquency in the aspect of studying the properties of identity of a cyber-aggressorAbstract: This article examines the problem of the illegitimate cyber behavior. The growth of juvenile delinquency is observed not only among the marginal population, but also, and what causes the most concern, among the psychically healthy society. The authors explore the psychological aspects of one of the main manifestation of the illegitimate cyber behavior – the intentional cyber-aggression; the classification of the forms of cyber-aggression is being presented. The authors give a hypothetical psychological portrait of a cyber-delinquent, as well as determine the leading motives for conducting the antisocial acts by the juveniles in the social networks. The research was conducted on 40 teenagers, which were divided into two subgroups. The first group consisted of 20 people from the drug rehabilitation center of Orenburg, who have repeatedly convicted of delinquent actions; the second group consisted of 20 conditionally healthy teenagers without clear signs of social dysadaptation. The correlation was determined between the experience in the role of cyber-aggressor and the following personal properties: ostentation, meticulousness, aggressiveness, and affectability. It is illustrated that the conditionally healthy teenagers are more prone to the intentional cyber-aggression. This circumstance encourages to improve the system of legal regulation among the Internet users, as well as to develop measure on prevention of the deviant cyber behavior. Keywords: character structure, personality traits, Internet, antisocial behavior, proactive aggression, cyberpsychology, cyberbulling, cyber-aggression, accentuations of character, deviant behavior
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