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Police activity

Krasnenkova E.V. Criminological measures of domestic violence prevention

Abstract: The increase of the number of cases of domestic violence against women and/or children has become a national problem of the modern democratic societies. The importance of elimination of such crimes by means of study of the motivation and the reasons of domestic violence (psychical/physical) is growing. The government mechanisms of domestic violence prevention are insufficient. There is no general national strategy in this field; the system of government assistance to the victims of domestic violence is very weak. The author applies the general philosophical method of cognition – materialist dialectic in the form of logic and cognition. The author applies the system method helping to consider the factors, motives and reasons of domestic violence, and the preventive measures which correlate with each other and the environment. The main directions of the government social policy, which should assist in domestic violence prevention, include health protection, the policy of avoiding family conflicts (this function should be imposed on the police), the policy of education and cultural traditions installing, youth policy and the correlated labor policy. 


social consequences, social coercion, health, type of crimes, family values, legislation, Istanbul Convention, prevention, domestic violence, criminology

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