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Administrative and municipal law
Kalinin G.I. (2016). The Administrative procedure code: some issues of law enforcement via administrative authorities . Administrative and municipal law, 5, 439–442.
Kalinin G.I. The Administrative procedure code: some issues of law enforcement via administrative authoritiesAbstract: The research subject is the range of issues of law enforcement activities of administrative and jurisdictional bodies in the context of adoption of the Administrative procedure code of the Russian Federation. The adoption of a new codified statutory instrument is an uncommon happening for the Russian law. But some practical matters are already appearing in the enforcement of this Code. The author considers such issues as the practice of conflict resolution between citizens and organizations, their legal nature, statistical analysis and judicial practice. The author applies such general scientific methods as dialectics, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction. The author also applies specific scientific methods including comparative-legal, system-structural, and the system analysis. The author concludes that, despite the fact that the Code contains significant and interesting legal novels, the adopted Code hasn’t been completed. It doesn’t provide for the balance of public and private interests, and it is narrow. The Administrative procedure code needs a substantial enhancement. Keywords: scope of regulation, appeal, conflicts, private interests, public interests, balance of interests, act contestation, Administrative procedure code, administrative law, jurisprudence
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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