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Politics and Society

Spektor D.M. Cultural dimensions of sovereignty

Abstract: This article examines the question of origin and nature of sovereignty in the historical and culturological aspects. The common interpretations that connect power with the balance of interests (representativeness is its particular case) are complemented by the outlook upon authority, which originates from its initial functions. Those are justified by cultivating the specific state (pathos).  In this connection power is being defined through the two fundamental and at the same time contradictory tasks: initiation of the specific elevation (revival) that affects the elites, and regulation of activity of the rest of the community. The method of this research is predominantly based on the impartial pursuit of the fact, presented by anthropology and ethnology. On this path, a number of circumstances, in essence ignored by the political science (for example the “sacred nature” of power) attain new interpretation. The scientific novelty consists in the reconceptualization of the established ideas that define power as a organizer of “zero game”, which regulates collisions and the opposing interests of states, groups and individuals, or coordinator who pursues the shared benefits.


Balance of interests, Dominating systems, Public agreement, Invisible reality, Mobilization, Human nature, Reflective reactions, Sewer of aggressiveness, Sacred insanity, Initiation

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