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History magazine - researches
Gularyan A.B. (2016). The Participation of the Joint State Political Directorate (JSPD) Agencies in the Dekulakisation of the Omsk Region in Western Siberia. History magazine - researches, 2, 161–166.
Gularyan A.B. The Participation of the Joint State Political Directorate (JSPD) Agencies in the Dekulakisation of the Omsk Region in Western SiberiaAbstract: The article is dedicated to the current historiographical issue concerning the participation of the Joint State Political Directorate (JSPD) agencies in the dekulakisation and dispossession process of wealthier peasants (Kulaks) in outback regions. Scientific literature reflects two different points of view on this question. Some scientists place the entire dekulakisation responsibility on the Joint State Political Directorate, while others allocate this responsibility among various party and government bodies of the still forming state command and administrative system. The basis of this research is archival material from the State Archive of the Novosibirsk region, as Novosibirsk at the time was considered to be the region's capital. The author applies the methodology of the system analysis to this study and complements it with the procedural approach taken from sociology. This has allowed to focus on the situation’s dynamic development, on the behaviour of various participants and to reveal the cumulative result of their activities. The author corroborates his conclusion that the initiative, ideological substantiation, and the dekulakisation process belonged to the party and government systems. Local JSPD agencies were assigned with planning the operations, coordinating the activities of the different administrative agencies, and informing the higher authorities about the changes in the operative situation. Thus, there was a whole system in place for the eradication of the wealthy peasantry. Keywords: Joint State Political Directorate (JSPD), Kulaks, Dekulakisation, dispossession, plan, excesses, commissioners, party activists, Administrative Department, escapes
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