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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Mart'yanova G.Yu. (2016). Individual Ñounseling: Subject-Regulatory Methodology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 88–94.
Mart'yanova G.Yu. Individual Ñounseling: Subject-Regulatory MethodologyAbstract: The article discusses the theoretical construct of individual counseling from the perspective of the subject-regulatory methodology . The researcher views different aspects of counseling as a form of professional activity. Written in terms of the theory of self-regulation of any conscious activity the researcher differentiates the consultative process depending on the objectives, activities, results of the professional activity of the consultant and the client subject activity. Individual counseling is defined as an activity aimed at subjective activity of the client to optimize its potential. The researcher justifies the possibility of the subject-regulatory approach to explain the basic procedural and productive phenomena counseling. According to the researcher, the client is the subject of his own activity, the subject of self-realization, the subject of the changes occurring under the influence of the problem, and the subject of regulatory experience. The psychological problem is presented as a result of violations of individual style conscious self-regulation, for example, achievement of entity objectives in the difficult conditions of life. Its genesis is due to the prolonged complex process of establishing causal relationships in the subjective evaluation of the events and facts. The main mechanisms to provide advice is called re-structuring. Keywords: regulatory experience, self-regulation, psychological problem, client, subject-regulatory approach, individual counceling, counceling process, dialogue, re-structuring
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