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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Faritov V.T. (2016). Schizoid and Hysteroid Pole of Philosophy. Characterology of Professional Activity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 82–87.
Faritov V.T. Schizoid and Hysteroid Pole of Philosophy. Characterology of Professional ActivityAbstract: The subject of research is the professional psycho-philosophical activity. The author focuses on the schizoid and hysteroid types which are regarded as extreme poles of philosophical activity. As part of the comparative analysis of the two types of characters the researcher discusses the content of philosophy, dominant type of activity, specific style of writing and speech, teaching, manner and terms of reading. The material of the study is the biographical facts from the life of famous philosophers (Socrates, Hegel, Nietzsche), and their philosophies. The author of the article uses the comparative method of analysis, biographical method, analysis of creative products. The author applies the principles of characterological and patografical research. The main conclusion of the research is the thesis about the existence of the two extreme psychological poles of professional philosophical activity: the schizoid and hysteroid. The author also takes into account the bipolar types: schizo-hysteroid and hystero-schizoid. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author gives a description of Socrates and Nietzsche as schizo-hysteroid types. Keywords: professional activity, Nietzsche, Hegel, Socrates, accentuation, philosophy, character, hysteroid, schizoid, characterology (character analysis)
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