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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Sennitskaya E.V. (2016). One of the Ways to Resolve the Problem of Description and Measurement of Verbal Information. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 31–36.
Sennitskaya E.V. One of the Ways to Resolve the Problem of Description and Measurement of Verbal InformationAbstract: The object of study in this article is the ability to create a method for describing and measuring the information in natural language (including texts containing mathematical and the other formulas) that would allow: 1) to determine the amount of information in a speech or text; 2) to make more accurate pedagogical recommendations concerning the complexity of the studied materials; 3) to dose information for readability; 4) to explore the features of people's thinking, based on the information analysis of their speech or text. Creation of such a method was carried out by determination of the information units in a text as well as finding the ways of describing the relations between these units. The analysis of works written by predecessors had concluded that the solution of this issue was going in two ways: by production of the unit of description (especially visually presentable) and by presentation of information in a form of hierarchical structure. Failures in resolving this problem were caused by the fact that these two approaches have not been combined. With this in mind, the author offers an object-hierarchical method for description of amounts of verbal and textual information, which allows to dose the information and is a convenient tool for studies of the features of different people's thinking due to the structural analysis of their speech or text. Keywords: modelling of text structure, unit of information, structure of a speech, structure of a text, information structure, verbal information, information modelling, description of information, measurement of information, description of text structure
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