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Administrative and municipal law

Feshchenko P.N. On theoretical and practical meaning of P.A. Kabanov’s study “Anti-corruption monitoring in the regions of the Russian Federation: the issues of theory and practice of legal regulation”

Abstract: The research object is criminality as a negative socio-legal phenomenon. The research subject is anti-corruption monitoring on the regional level and the problems of its regulation and implementation. The author considers and analyzes the study of Professor P.A. Kabanov published in 2015, his theoretical and practical suggestions based on the analysis of the wide range of materials. The author applies the system method to analyze criminality, corruption, and the related negative socio-legal phenomena, and the comparative, historical methods, analysis and synthesis. The author concludes about the possibility and reasonability of use of the approaches to assessing corruption, its reasons, and criminality monitoring effectiveness in general and its particular types, and the system assessment of the condition of the national and public security, including social tension, proposed by P.Kabanov. At present, it is impossible to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken or proposed in the sphere of criminality and corruption prevention without these approaches. 


corruption, anti-corruption monitoring, criminality prevention, system approach, corruption consequences, social tension, anti-corruption monitoring objects, reasons of corruption, anti-corruption monitoring subjects, regional legislation

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