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Law and Politics

Kostenko N.I. On the issues of the concept of international terrorism in within the unified comprehensive UN convention “On international terrorism”

Abstract: The subject of this research is the state of international law pertaining to definition (concept) of international terrorism, i.e. the subject comprises the combination of international legal norms associated with development and passing of a unified comprehensive UN convention on international terrorism. The object of this research is a complex and complete analysis of the most important theoretical issues in the area of fight against international terrorism as an international crime, establishment of the means of resolution of these problems, as well as contribution to the formation of legal definition of international terrorism and its composition as an international crime within a comprehensive convention on international terrorism. Since 1937 the global community has not set the definition (concept) of international terrorism that would contribute to activation of the fight against international terrorism.  


International terrorism, challenge, third millennium, threats, convention, crime, terrorist activity, international cooperation, comprehensive convention, definition

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