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Politics and Society

Yanak A.L. Practices of post-divorce fatherhood: some problems in realization of parental role

Abstract: This article reviews complications in realization of paternal role among the representative of one if the most important and interesting from the social and scientific points of view forms of post-divorce fatherhood: fathers who independently bring up child/children after the divorce, as well as fathers who live separately from their children after the divorce. The relevance of this problem is substantiated by the fact that despite its growing demand in the scientific discourse, there is a lack of theoretical and empirical data with regards to the obstacles in realization of the paternal functions after the divorce, motives of continuing a parental role, individual issues of fathers on different stages of the divorce process, and the typologies of the post-divorce fatherhood. This work demonstrates that there are differences in the structure of problems itself that are associated with the realization of the paternal role after the divorce among the single fathers, and among the non-resident fathers, as well as in their studies. For example, when considering the post-divorce paternal families, as a rule, the attention is focused namely of the general family issues and disbalances (material, psychological, household, pedagogical, and the problem of family balance and single father employment); while in studying the relationship between the separately living father and children, the attention is drawn to just certain aspects of parents-children relations: presence and regularity of visits, and alimony payments. Thus, the acquired results have a high theoretical and practical importance.


Divorce, Post-divorce fatherhood, Single father, Non-resident father, Parents-children relationships, Parental role, Family issues, Family, Paternal family sub-institute, Parental functions

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