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Neymatov A.Ya. Color Revolutions as an instrument of democratic transformation of traditional societies and dismantling of the political regimes

Abstract:   The object of this work is the pseudo-revolutionary events, collectively referred to as the "color revolutions," which the author attributes to the results of the techniques of government overthrow using the resources and tools of the "soft power." The subject of this research is the technologies of color revolutions. The goal of this work is to determine the role of modern technologies of color revolutions in the transformation of traditional societies and dismantling of the political regimes. Analyzes and comparison is conducted on the views of various authors (political scholars, philosophers, international experts) on the nature of color revolutions, as well as the possible scenarios and schemes for their implementation.   The methodological basis of the research consists of the systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches; methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation.   The author focuses attention on the fact that the so-called color revolutions are in fact special political technologies, containing all the features of this class of technology: these are the technologies of organizing a coup in the conditions of political instability, in which the pressure on the government is realized in the form of popular uprisings and revolts, with only surface signs of disaster. At the same time, despite its pronounced technological nature, it is impossible to ignore the phenomenological nature of these events, associated with the crisis and the collapse of the unipolar world and the formation of a new world order that is based on multipolarity.  


interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, values, security

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