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Financial Law and Management

Safonenkov P.N. Suspension of Release of Goods Containing Objects of Intellectual Property, Copy-Right and Related Rights as a Measure of Administrative-Legal Coercion

Abstract: The subject of research is the law governing the suspension of release of goods containing objects of intellectual property, copyright and related rights as a measure of administrative-legal coercion, as well as relevant activity of customs authorities. The object of the research is the social relations arising in the process of application of this administrative enforcement by the customs authorities. The author of the article gives a legal description of the suspension of release of goods containing objects of intellectual property, copyright and related rights as measures of administrative and legal coercion. The methodological basis of the research involves a combination of general philosophical, scientific methods and special legal methods (formal-legal, analytical, normative-logical, system analysis, etc.). The study identified problematic issues that arise in the law enforcement practice of customs authorities and judicial practice as well as ways of their solution. The author concluded that the suspension of release of goods containing objects of intellectual property, copyright and related rights is an administrative-legal measure of the risk of violation of the legislation in the field of intellectual property and prevention of harmful effects used by the customs authorities.


Customs Union, trade mark, copyright holder, registry, problems, practice, issue, intellectual property, measure, administrative procedures

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