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National Security

Vlasova M.G. The intelligence analysis as an academic discipline

Abstract: This article demonstrates what and in what way affects the formation of such direction of social sciences as an intelligence analysis; it also covers the object field of the intelligence analysis, reviews the main issues of the establishing discipline, as well as its peculiarities, nature, and methods (methodology of collection and processing of the data). Works of the foreign, including American authors who initiated the intelligence analysis, are being considered. Factors that encouraged the advancement of this disciplines are being examined. A brief content of the major works on the intelligence analysis is presented in this article. The author conducts the research on the evolution of the intelligence analysis in the developed Western countries and Russia, based on the results of which have been determined the global tendencies and formulated the specific issues of the Russian Federation in this sphere. Professionalization of the sphere of the intelligence analysis begins in 2000’s, and today it gradually becomes a full academic discipline. The main directions of its development are the following: devise and implementation of the general standards of analytical work into the practice of intelligence agencies; introduction of the special educatory programs on analytical work within the intelligence agencies, and public educational facilities; development and improvement of the analytical methodologies; creating the textbooks on intelligence analysis. The author claims that the main problem of intelligence is the priority of the development of data collection techniques, rather than processing of data. A significant obstacle for the Russian Federation is the insufficient collaboration between the academic community and the intelligence agencies.


intelligence analysis, strategic intelligence, analytical intelligence, survey research, National security, international relationships, information age, data processing, analytical methods, intelligence cycle, intelligence analysis, strategic intelligence, analytic intelligence, intelligence studies, national security, international relations, age of information, data processing, analytic methods, intelligence cycle

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