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National Security

Antamoshkina E.N. Methodology of assessment of the agricultural policy efficiency in providing the food safety in the region

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the author’s methodology of analysis of the regional food safety its approbation on the example of the Southern Federal Okrug. The goal of this research consists in the development of a comprehensive universal methodology in analyzing the regional food safety. In achieving the set task, the following measures were required: to develop a system of indexes in assessing food safety on the regional level; to determine the criteria of evaluation of food safety; to synthesize the analytical model with the evaluation of food safety in the region. The recommended indexes and criteria of assessment of the regional food safety correlate with the parameters determined by the Russian Federation Food Security Doctrine, including the requirements of the World Trade Organization. The proposed methodology is approbated on the data of the major regions in the Southern Federal Okrug, which allowed a comparison on the level of ensuring food security in the regions from the time and space perspective. A model has been developed based on the universal methodology of evaluation of the food security on the regional economic level, the distinctive features of which consist in its comprehensiveness and universality.


agricultural policy, food security, assessment methodology, indicators and benchmarks, self-sufficiency in food in the region, economic access to food, physical availability of food, agrarian sphere, WTO, agrarian policy, food security, method of estimation, indicators and criteria, food self-sufficiency in the region, economic access to food, accessibility of food products, agrarian sphere, WTO

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