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Administrative and municipal law

Mironov A.N., Amirov I.M., Chembarisov T.I. Legal coercion in the sphere of sports

Abstract: The research subject is the range of public relations in the sphere of sports; the research object is the possibility of consideration of coercive measures in this sphere as legal ones. The authors analyze the legality of coercive measures in the sphere of sports and their regulation by various types of statutory instruments. The authors describe possible variants of classification of coercive measures in the sphere of sports and their types. The authors suggest distinguishing legal coercion in the sphere of sports along with administrative, criminal, and others. The authors apply the dialectical method and the modern methods of scientific cognition. The novelty of the research lies not only in the description of the existing measures of legal coercion in the sphere of sports, but also in the suggestions about possible amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of sports. The authors note the scale of legal regulation of legal coercion in the sphere of sports and the absence of concrete procedures of their application on the legislative level. 


sports, coercion, sport sanction, measures of coercion, regulation, violation of rules, rules of sports, disqualification, dope, sports federation, sports, coercion, sporting sanction, regulation, violation of the rules, the rules of sports, disqualification, doping, sports Federation

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