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Law and Politics

Manoylo A.V. Models of political decision-making in the Russian Federation: the evolution of management paradigms

Abstract: This article reveals the evolutionary process of the formation of patterns of development and political decision-making in the Russian Federation on the national state level. The author notes that during the recent history of Russia (since the founding of the Russian Federation in 1991) in the country has consistently had three models of development and management decision-making: a polycentric, vertically centralized and combined (currently in force).The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.Each of the article patterns of development and political decision-making (polycentric, vertically centralized and combined) corresponds to the socio-political formation of the Russian state at certain stages of its development and gave way to the next model influenced by fundamental changes in the political life of Russian society, which entailed a substantial change in the political system and the political regime in Russia. Together, all three models are the stages of the same evolutionary process, which allows extrapolation to predict the changes that await action today in the Russian Federation combined model of development and political decision-making in the future.


Security, State, Interests, Political regime, Sociopolitical processes, Alliance, World politics, Russia, Political system, Risks

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