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Taxes and Taxation

Palyuvina A.S., Kashirina M.V. Modern Problems of Taxation of the Oil Sector in Russia

Abstract: The article deals with topical issues of corporate taxation of the oil sector in the fall of oil prices. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the first results of the ongoing tax policy in the activities of production of hydrocarbons. The aim of the research is to study the effect of changes in tax legislation relating to the reduction in the rate of export customs duty on crude oil and an increase in the base rate of the severance tax on the activities of oil companies and the formation of federal budget revenues. To achieve the stated purpose the authors have used scientific methods of research (monitoring, generalization, comparison) and specific methods (symbolic modeling (histograms), preparing tables, statistical method). The article contains a number of conclusions. In particular, the article reveals the problem of the need to increase investment in oil production, which is exacerbated due to changes in the macroeconomic situation. The authors of the article also highlight the prospects of introducing a tax on the financial results, as well as the conclusion of the unavailability of Russian executive bodies for the introduction of this tax because of the high risks for the federal budget.


taxation of the oil industry, changes in tax laws, tax maneuver, severance tax, export duties, financial results, oil price, investments, new hydrocarbon deposits, axation of natural resources

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