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Law and Politics

Stepanenko R.F. Ethnomethodological practices within the doctrine of legal policy: general theoretical issues

Abstract: The subject of this research is the peculiarities and regularities of the organization and acquisition of knowledge on formation of such independent vectors of legal policies as ethno- and geo- politics. This work substantiates the need for interdisciplinary scientific communications of Russian and foreign areas of humanitarian and natural-humanitarian knowledge, as well as cooperation of lawmaking and law-enforcement areas in realization of these vectors. Attention is also given to the differentiation of the levels of theoretical research that lies in the foundation of their typologization on the mega- and metatheory. The author concludes that it is important for the international legal science to study the  cooperation of various (Russian and foreign) subjects of legal relations in the area of legal policy as a whole, based on the specificity of their legal systems and national legislation. A significant role in cognition of the presented general humanitarian issues belongs to synergetic jurisprudence.


ethnomethodology, legal Ethnopolitics, legal marginality, legal policy, interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinary approach, synergetic jurisprudence, legal geopolitics, legal research policy, legal education policy

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