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Law and Politics

Karpovich O.G. Characteristics of the modern North American federalism (on the example of the United States)

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the characteristics of the formation and the analysis of the state of the modern model of federalism in the United States of America. The object of this research is the U. S. federalism, which are the form of the government structure of the current United States, as well as the political and historical trends and regularities of the formation of the modern (so-called “competitive”) model of federal government in the U. S. The subject of this research is the forms, methods, and instruments of establishment of federal relations in the United States at the present stage. The goal is to determine the characteristics of the formation and the key aspect of the modern model of the North American federalism. The author pays attention to the fact that the federalism model of the current United States is the result of a long evolution of various ideas and concepts of organization of a complex society. It is the United State that gave the world the four classic concepts of federalism: dualistic, cooperative, technocratic, and competitive, which became the standard for federal structuring in many countries of the world. The modern federalism model in the United States, which represents a new stage in development and modernization of the competitive federalism model, undoubtedly has its flaws and contradictions. But namely the special qualities of this model ensure a determined establishment of U. S. national interests throughout the world and are the foundation of their soft and smart power.


diplomacy, international relations, U. S. foreign policy, world politics, society, political system, interests, state, security, USA

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