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Philosophy and Culture
Prokhorov M.M. (2016). The fundamental abstraction of the theory of creativity. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 34–48.
Prokhorov M.M. The fundamental abstraction of the theory of creativityAbstract: The article highlights three types of extreme abstraction: first, in terms of the basic forms of relations traditions and innovations; second, in the plane of man's relationship to the world; thirdly, in axiological aspect. In the foreground are identified and described anti-interactionism, reductionism and dialectical relationship of tradition and innovation; shows the presence of the growth of their interaction, given categorization of traditional and technological cultures.In a second aspect explicated abstraction contemplative, activist and co-evolutionary type of creativity. They come in a generalizing model of man's relationship with the world; dictate the nature of the very broad sense of creative activity. Traditions and traditional culture corresponds to the contemplative type of attitudes toward the world, of fabricated - an innovative form of creativity and activist type of man's relationship to the world. Dialectical relationship corresponds to a co-evolutionary model of man's attitude with the world. A contemplative and activist opposed to creative types, but have the same ontological basis of antagonism as the conflict with the dominant "struggle of opposites." The co-evolution type of creativity dominated "unity of opposites", dialog with the relationship of man and the world.In axiological terms of creativity explicated as the opposite of simulation. They are rooted in the development of reality as opposed to progress and regress. The ascending branch of the being generates creativity, as its internal determinant of ensuring its existence and prolongation; in the context of degradation, there is a degeneration of thought and creativity, creativity is simulated, it is transformed into simulation as a means and function degeneration. They are connected "law of specular": the imitation of social laws are "mirror" of their action on the ascending branch of evolution. Keywords: unity of opposites, co-evolution, activism (constructivism), , contemplation, reductionism, anti-interactionism, tradition and innovation, creativity, simulation, the law of specular
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