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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Chizhkov S.L. Metaphysics of the Person in the System of Absolute Idealism of Boris Chicherin

Abstract: The subject of research is the metaphysical concept of identity of the outstanding Russian philosopher Boris Chicherin. This concept permeates the entire complex architecture of his teachings: Sociology, philosophy, politics, legal doctrine, the doctrine of economic, religious and ethical views. Evolution of the thinker towards absolute idealism, formed the metaphysical concept of the individual caught up in turn a decisive influence on the very system of absolute idealism, it is becoming more and more personalistic. The methodology of the research is based on the principle of immanent critique, which allows to reconstruct the relationship and interdependence of the key ideas of the thinker. The article shows the evolution of Chicherin’s views on the nature of person. If the earlier works of the thinker, which followed almost exclusively in line with the ideas of Hegel, the identity presented only a transitory moment of historical development, the later works was treated the person as an essence, not only realize the idea of the Absolute, but carrying it in ourselves. The concept of person has had a largely decisive influence on the formation of philosophical personalism in Russia.


human nature, freedom, philosophical anthropology, Hegel, Kant, Russian philosophy, metaphysics, personality, Boris Chicherin, the Moral Law

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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