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Philology: scientific researches

Nilogov A.S. Decryption Methods From the Point of View of the Ontological Status of the Word/Antiword

Abstract: In his article Nilogov again raises a question about the ontological status of the word which he understands as the manner and the fashion in which a word exists in a natural language. The topic is being viewed from the point of view of the methodological grounds of the philosophy of antilanguage, a new discipline created at the confluence of linguistics and philosophy. As an example of the ontological status of the word, Nilogov uses decrypted linguistic instead of language units when analyzing ancient writings (Ancient Egyptian and Sumerian and etc.). These units are obtained as a result of application of particular methods and techniques aimed at reconstruction of ancient texts' interpretation. In the course of his research Nilogov has used antilanguage, hermeneutical, cryptophilological, linguistic methods, decryption, reconstruction, philological, heuristical and etymological methods. As a result of the research, decrypted language units are classified as antiwords that are usually used in a natural language but at the same time non-obviously refer to antilanguage. In particular, the author defines the following kinds of antiwords: decrypted antiwords (that denote hypothetically decrypted words as well as all words from dead written languages) and non-decrypted antiwords (that denote words from dead nonliterate languages). Nilogov divides all decrypted antiwords into the following subclasses: particular decrypted antiwords (conventional decrypted antiwords), cryptodecrypted antiwords and quasidecrypted antiwords (pseudodecrypted antiwords). 


ontological status of the decrypted antiword, decryption, Egyptology, Dyakonov, philosophy of antilanguage, Perepyolkin, egyptologism, decrypted antiword, antiword, Emelyanov

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