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Politics and Society

Pishchulin A.V. On the question about strong states

Abstract: This article discusses various approaches towards the question about strong states, and poses a problem of inappropriateness of combination of the modern signs that determine the modern state, problem of structuring and functioning of the state, as well as problems of modelling of the modern effective and strong nation. Depending on one or another point of view a upon the strength of the nation, we can make different conclusions about the efficiency and consistency of the modern state. The author analyzes the problem of juridization of the modern states, as well as the empirics that often does not coincide with the specified juridical constructs. The scientific novelty consists in the correlation of the technological approaches towards the strong nation with the ideological. The author concludes that an attempt to stay with one of these approaches will lead to the establishment of the inefficient statehood.  


State, Strong, Weak, Essence, Modern, Technology, Contradictions, Consistency, Establishment, Modelling

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