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History magazine - researches

Cherkaeva O.E. A. M. Razgon and the modern museum science and practice in Germany

Abstract: The theoretical work of the founder of Russian museology A. M. Razgon (1920–1989) was further expounded in modern museum science and practice in Germany. The author points attention to the fact that German museologists valued Razgon’s contribution to theoretical museology: his publications in German journals regarding the problem of his country’s museum network became the foundation for the German concept of “museum landscape”, actively used in the modern museum management system. German museology during the 21st century substantially elaborated the two main parameters in the definition of a museum, proposed by Razgon in the Russo-German textbook published in 1989, namely that a museum is an institute of social information and an institute of documentation of the processes and phenomena of nature and society. In the country’s museum landscape new groups of museums appeared in the form of centres of documentation that allow to illuminate as objectively as possible (in comparison to traditional museums) the complicated and painful history of Germany in the 20th century. Razgon’s thesis concerning the spread of information through museum objects is being developed by the theorists of the working group “Documentation” of the German Union of Museums. The aim of the German and Russian museologists is to unite their efforts in the preparation of a modern museology dictionary as a continuation of A. M. Razgon’s work in the field of terminology.


museum studies, informational centre, museum documentation, museum science, museum landscape, centre of documentation, Avraam Moiseevich Razgon, museology, museological terminology, Russo-German contacts

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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