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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Bolsunovskaya L. The effectiveness of cybercrime prevention: problem aspects

Abstract: The article considers the problem of cybercrime prevention. The definition of the sphere of cybercrime is very important. It will clarify the structure of cybercrime. Within the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the “K” department should deal with the cybercrime cases. The inconsistent fulfillment of this rule in the law enforcement system will cause disorder and abuse of power in law enforcement bodies. Applying the general scientific methods of analysis and comparison, the author studies the legislative construction of a theft of especially valuable objects. The article contains the statistical report prepared by the specialists of the criminalist laboratory of the international company “Group-IB” for 2011 – 2014. According to the report, the total volume of cybercrime in the Russian Federation and the CIS was estimated: in 2011 – $ 2,055 billion, in 2012 - $ 1,938 billion, in 2013 (second half-year) – 2014 (first half-year) - $2,501 billion. Cybercrime is considered by the authors of the report, firstly, in a narrow sense, secondly, as an economic model of crime. 


information resources, effectiveness, prevention, cybercrime, problem , question, warning, liquidation, computer attacks, economic model of crime

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