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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Avetisov E.K. Themain elements and indicators of political stability

Abstract: This article examines the phenomenon of political stability. The author describes and narrows down the definition of "political stability", and offers his own definition of the term. The main conclusion of the article is that political stability is both, a dynamic and sustained state of a political system which enables its preservation, the main instruments of which are the governing bodies on all levels, including municipalities, and the organizations of civil society. The author also reaches a conclusion on the stability of modern Russia. Using general science and specific methods and approaches enables the author to determine the main criteria for political stability and to point out some of the mechanisms for its sustenance. The fruits of the author's work which were reflected in this article may be used by professionals in scientific research in the area at hand. The criteria of political stability that were offered by the author maybe employed in comparative analysis within comparative political science research. They also may contribute to the improvement for the expert-and analytical support of the government's work.


Russian policy, political system, maintaining political stability, political mechanisms, political institutions, political interests, political stability, system stability, political processes, political relations

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