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Law and Politics

Shugurov M.V. Internationally recognized human rights in the global strategy of sustainable development

Abstract: The subject of this research is the formation of the human rights dimension of the global transition towards sustainable development. The author thoroughly follows the evolution of recognition of the significance of human rights for sustainable development within international documents of strategic nature and international multilateral treaties. Great attention is given to the analysis of the principle of the depth of sustainable development and the imperative character of inclusion of all people without exception. Among the main conclusions of this research is the substantiation of the position that human rights cannot be united only with the social dimension of sustainable development, since they penetrate all aspects of the latter. The scientific novelty consist in the substantiated conclusion with the regards to formation of the fourth dimension of sustainable development, such as support of cultural diversity, which also in turn involves the human rights and liberties in the area of culture into the human rights foundation of sustainable development.


right to development, international cooperation, globalization, international law, human rights, sustainable development, culture, future generations, goals of development, involvement

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