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Software systems and computational methods

Efimov N.A., Zolotov O.K. Methods of determining the position of the optical axis in three or more landmarks

Abstract: The subject of research is increasing the accuracy of determining the exact position of the optical axis of a movie (video) camera, required for its use in experimental studies and tests of complex systems. The calculation of the optical axis can be carried out at predetermined reference points (reference points). This approach is effective when using stationary optical measuring points. With regard to the use of movie (video) cameras the authors developed an original method for obtaining the angular coordinates using three reference points, which allows calculating the optical axis of a movie (video) camera on a priori given reference points. The research methodology combines the methods of computational mathematics, physical optics, analytical geometry, reliability theory, metrology and testing aircraft. The novelty of the research is in development of a method for calculating the angle of the camera only from the values of the angles between the axes and the projection of the optical axis on the coordinate plane. The calculation errors in the reference examples does not exceed three arc seconds, which satisfies the needs of many experimental studies and tests of complex systems.


conversion of coordinates, spatial position of the camera, angular coordinates, camera angle, reference points, space coordinates, definition optical axis, optical axis of the cameras, binding to the optical axis, positioning your camcorder

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