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Software systems and computational methods

Korovina L.V., Usmanova I.V. Methodical provision of Intellectual Automated Information System for analysis and evaluation of workflow in an organization

Abstract: The authors study urgent problem of analysis and evaluation of workflow in an organization. The work proved the need for complex analysis of records management system in any organization. The authors formulate the basic objectives of the study and suggest using of an Automated Information System to analyze the workflow, which will allow gaining knowledge of the current situation in the field, analyze the state of workflow in terms of performance indicators based on documents as well as based on processes, taking into account correlation of indicators of records management system and parameters of efficiency of business processes and activities of the organization. The system proposed will help identifying errors in the documents and forming recommendations to address the shortcomings recorded. The study used methods of mathematical modeling, graph theory, probability theory, object-oriented programming. The authors developed a multi-level model of representation of knowledge about the state of workflow and business processes of the organization, identified the main components of automated information system and described its role in the operation of the system, considered in detail the algorithm of the user interaction with the automated information system. Use of the developed the system will allow to optimize state of the workflow, improve the efficiency of business processes and the functioning of the organization as a whole.


workflow analysis, automated information system, model of knowledge representation, semantic network, structure of the AIS, database, knowledge base, logical inference subsystem, Bayesian method, operation algorithm

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