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Philosophy and Culture

Kochetkova L.N. Philosophy of Information in the Information Society

Abstract: The subject of the present research is information as the reason and content of global transformations in the fields of science, technology and human existence. The author shows that information has ceased to play a supportive role and has become the main resource of social development. In this regard, in this paper the author proves the legitimacy and necessity of the information approach to the analysis of the surroundings. The author examines the relationship between the development of information, the emergence of post-industrial information society and the changes in lifestyle of a person. In this article, the author relies on the work of classical philosophical thought and modern scholars, analyzes the works of Russian and foreign philosophers. The article uses the methods of comprehensive analysis of the social reality, ascent from the abstract to the concrete and substantiation of the theoretical conclusions by empirical data. The content of the article is presented in the form of problem definitions. The author substantiates the conclusion that, despite the rapid development of specific science about information (information science), technically, information is not studied sufficiently and information studies do not provide a complete understanding of the role and importance of information in society and life of an individual. It is still necessary to answer a philosophical answer to the question "What is information and how information can be used for the benefits of a person, minimizing the negative effects of informational development?" The author emphasizes the need for the development of philosophy of information, focusing on the meaning, content and value of information in the modern information society. The article presents specific features of knowledge, which arises in the process of obtaining and interpreting information.


post-industrial society, information society, information technology, philosophy of information, information, philosophy, information approach, knowledge, science, semantics of information

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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