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Philosophy and Culture

Nedugova I.A. The Concept of the Human Self's Object-Related Identity

Abstract: The present research is devoted to the concept of human object-related identity that is based on the movement of thought through objective layers to the point of the 'non-object' as a form of objectivity 'thinning' and the 'all-in-all' relation of Self to Object. Genesis of the human self's object-related identity and culture involve development of the cultural concept based on the principles of analyzing the human self's object-related identity. The object-related identity of Self undergoes the four stages of identity formation: instrumental Self, sign-oriented Self, symbolic Self and utmost sign-oriented Self. The last transformation of Self includes the release of consciousness from being captured by Object (the 'nothing-in-all' relation) and achievement of the 'all-in-all' relation, i.e. the state of 'potential Self'. The methodological basis of the research implies the non-linear layered method that combines phenomenology, hermeneutics, substantive dialectics (Plato and Hegel) and concept analysis of human identities. The researcher views the human's object-related identity as the process of transformation through objective layers. The author's model of human Self's object-related identity gives an opportunity to carry out gnoseological, ontological and cultural hermeneutical analysis of the dialectics of consciousness and culture. The concept gives an opportunity to conduct the object-related analysis of human existence in philosophy, cultural research, social philosophy and other branches of humanities, in particular, to analyze cultural processes as well as processes of development of the human Self's object-related identity. 


dialectics, phenomenology, hermeneutics, culture, consciousness, objectivity, human, identity, substantiality, nonlinearity

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