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Philosophy and Culture

Gurevich P.S. Your Turn, Director!

Abstract: The Philosophy and Culture Journal has been published for eight years by now. The Journal was included in the list of readings recommended by VAK (The Higher Attestation Commission). The Higher Attestation Commission has approved the status of the Journal again this year. During these years the Journal has become popular in almost all regions from Lvov to Vladivostok, from Odessa to Murmansk. The number of the manuscripts in editor's hand is the best proof of that. The editors office does not even have an opportunity to promptly publish all the articles received. The editorial board consists of famous foreign and Russian scientists. To a certain extent, the Journal contents demonstrate what is happening in Russian philosophy. In this article Gurevich analyzes the events referring to the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the leader in this branch of science in Russia. The author bases his research article on modern interpretations of the philosophical process bringing forth a wide scope of researches in different fields, from epistemology to Oriental studies. The author of the article also discusses prospects of Russian philosophy after the Institute of Philosophy has been moved to another building, a new director has been selected, a wide-ranging discussion on further development of philosophy has been held at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the academic community of the Russian Academy of Sciences has offered to declare the year of 2017 to be the Year of Philosophy. 


post modernism, Islamic studies, morals, ethics, intellectual atmosphere, reforms, philosophy, mind, sense logic, civilization

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