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National Security

Kremenskaya M.N. Comparative legal analysis of the enlistment of citizens into the military service in the United States and Germany

Abstract: The reformation of the military structure of a country is impossible without improvements to the legal support of the work of the federal branches of executive power, in which the federal legislation establishes military service. The comparative legal analysis of the norms of Russian and foreign legislation that regulates the issues of enlistment and selection for service in the armed forces of foreign countries, gains more and more relevance. On the example of the NATO member-states, we examine the peculiarities of the legal regulation of enlistment and selection of citizens to serve in the armed forces of the United States and Germany. At the present stage, we can observe a tendency in the foreign countries to prefer voluntary enlistment into the armed forces over compulsory enlistment in formation of professional army. Contrary to the forecasts, there are not that many volunteers to serve in the military, thus the military and political leadership of the United States and Germany devise a complex of measures aimed at attracting more recruits. This complex of measures represents relevance, first and foremost, on the background of processes  of formation of the branches of federal security services in the newly re-established bordering subjects of the Russian Federation – Republic of Crimea, and the strategic city of Sevastopol.


Military service, Selection of candidates, Serviceman, Requirements, Enlistment, Legal regulation, Comparative legal analysis, Germany, United States, Recruitment

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