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Politics and Society

Alibekova S.Ya., Yusupova G.I. Islam in the modern world: eventuality of politicization

Abstract: The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the peculiarities of politicization of the Islamic factor in the modern world, and higher threat of the religious and political extremism and terrorism. This article is dedicated to the analysis of religion, as well as its effect upon the social, political, and spiritual life of society. The subject of this research is the possible developments in Islam justified by political processes. The object of this research is the Northern Caucasus. The author gives a detailed review to such aspects as religious schism within Islam and emergence of various new directions, as well as reformation attempt to renew and revive Islam through the mechanisms and ideals of political power. A special attention is given to the conservative Islam, driven to the temptations of political authoritarianism, and liberal-modernist Islamism realized in the political conformity. The possible politicization of Islam can result in the rebirth of spiritual values for the good of the community, or can equally disrupt the harmonious development that can bring violence and terror. The biggest threat to the modern world order is the radical-extremist Islamism, exposing its destructive nature, which has nothing in common with actual Islam. The novelty and conclusions of this research are substantiated by the search for ways and mechanisms of socio-political actualization of the reformation prospects of the liberal-modernist vector of Islam as the one that is closest to the global, civilizational trends of development of the modern world order. The authors conclude that in the modern world, terrorism as a destructive trend of politicizes theocracy undermines the humanistic essence of any religion, including Islam.


multiculturalism, transformation, globalization, terrorism, extremism, politicization, radical Islamism, conservative Islamism, tolerance, spiritual values

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