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Politics and Society

Shiryakov D.V. Conspirology as an element of political discourse of the Russian Federation: peculiarities of the genesis and development

Abstract: The object of this research is the political conspirology of the Russian political discourse. The subject is the peculiarities of the genesis and development of the political conspirology within the Russian Federation. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the causes of formation of the political conspirology in Russia. The author also reviews the main subjects that articulate the conspirological theories within the framework of the Russian political discourse. A special attention is given to the stages of development of the political conspirology in the Russian Federation, as well as the transformation of the conspirological narratives under the influence of the factors of Russia’s foreign and domestic policy. Among the main conclusions of the conducted research is the determination of the genesis and main stages of development of the political conspirology in the Russian Federation, as well as classification of the existing conspiracy theories within Russia’s political discourse. The scientific novelty consists not only in the discovery of the stages of development of the political conspirology, but also the trend of transition of political conspirology into the ranks of political techniques used by the government-associated structures of the Russian Federation.


political technology, crisis, super conspiracy, Russian Federation, political discourse, development, genesis, conspirology, disorder, massification

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