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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Gurevich P.S. Psychoanalysis of Art

Abstract: In this case the editor-in-chief's column is devoted to the thoughts on the status of the psychoanalysis of art. Pavel Gurevich states that there are no grounds to claim that this sphere of applied psychoanalysis is not popular or hasn't acquired its followers. Meanwhile, the book published by one of the most talented Russian psychoanalysts Dmitry Olshansky 'Scenes of Sexual Life. Psychoanalysis and Semiotics of the Theatre and Cinema' is a significant event in the modern scientific and cultural life of Russia. The purpose of the present research is to carry out the critical analysis of numerous and rich ideas of Dmitry Olshansky, systematise the effors associated with the development of Russian psychoanalysis and analysis of the acute problems of modern art. The editor-in-chief has used the methodology of philosophical anthropology and psychoanalysis. He bases his research on classical achievements of philosophical in understanding the nature of human and outlines the basic provisions of classical and postclassical psychoanalysis. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author has evaluated success of Russian psychoanalysis of art and described the acute topics and issues of this branch of aesthetics. According to the author, versatile scientific and critical activity of Dmitry Olshansky is worthy of admiration and recognition. In his book Dmitry Olshansky does not only extend our idea of the methodological basis of psychoanalysis being aimed at serious analysis of modern cultural practice. He also provides examples of quite succesful application of psychoanalytical methodology to particular events of social life, whether it is a play, movie, master class or creative position of a film director. Not only the theory of psychoanalysis but the practical and applied aspects of psychoanalysis is also a topical issue of our days. Repressions and oblivion of psychoanalysis did not manage to eliminate that sphere of world psychology in our country. 


psychology, psychoanalysis, art, creativity, aesthetics, mythology, body, physicality, symbol, insanity

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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