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International relations

Neymatov A.Ya. Color revolutions and political crisis in Ukraine

Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of modern forms, methods and technologies of color revolutions as the instruments of democratic transformation of traditional societies and the dismantling of political regimes. The author emphasizes that in the present conditions, unfortunately, we can not exclude the possibility of transfer of the experience of Ukrainian revolution organization to Russia. We could observe this situation during the events of the Arab Spring, when the scheme of color revolutions had been given "trial runs" in one country, and then, improved and modified, was transferred to another country.The methodological basis of the research contains the systems approach, the structural and functional and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. Color revolutions as efficient political technologies are very effective. At the same time, the stereotyped character of color revolutions technologies can lead to a significant decrease of their effectiveness. However, the widespread communication and information technologies create favorable conditions for the emergence of new and the improvement of old methods of political processes management in different countries.


interests, diplomacy, coup d’état, , U.S. foreign policy, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, state, security, color revolutions

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