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Philology: scientific researches

Faritov V.T. The Philosophy ofTime and Eternal Return in the Lyrics of Afanasy Fet

Abstract: In this paper Faritov investigates the specificity of the poetic interpretation of the philosophical problem of time. The main material of the research is the poem "Shaggy pine branches ragged from the storm ...". The author also discusses the poetic texts by Fyodor Tyutchev, Alexander Pushkin, Valery Bryusov and Johann Goethe. In order to analyze their poetry, the author also touches upon conceptual developments of such philosophers as Shopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre, Jaspers and Deleuze. In his research Farotiv has used the methodological provisions of the motivic analysis (offered by Boris Gasparov) and the principles of analysis of the poetic language introduced by Tynianov. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author studies the idea of eternal return that was first offered by Nietzsche and later explicated in Russian poetry. The researcher has defined the two opposite modes of time and analyzed their representations in poetic texts. The author also emphasizes that a poetic text has many semantic dimensions and therefore analysis of poetic texts cannot be limited to certain rules. 


Pushkin, Russian poetry, poetic text, time, moment, uncertainty, Fet, eternal return, Nietzsche, nihilism

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