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Administrative and municipal law

Shamshutdinova A.R. Executive authorities system in cultural sphere

Abstract: The subject of the research is an executive authorities system in cultural sphere. The author considers the concept and the content of cultural policy as an important instrument of implementation of aims of socio-economic development of the society; studies the system of executive bodies in cultural sphere; substantiates the reasonability of creation of a wide range of subjects of cultural policy allowing a more thorough consideration and satisfaction of their need for group and individual goods. The author applies the method of analysis of normative-legal base and the empirical method of survey. The study considers not only laws, subordinate regulatory acts of Russia, but also documents of interregional and international level. The author outlines the subjects of cultural policy on different levels, using all recent changes of and amendments to the legislation concerning cultural sphere. The author concludes about the modern state of cultural policy, the ways of its formation and development, considers the aims of cultural policy with regard to its subjects, outlines its priorities and the main mechanisms of their implementation. The author argues the necessity to consider organs of government of different levels, non-profit organizations, private structures and international cultural organizations as the subjects of cultural policy. 


cultural activity, quality of government services, government services, executive authorities, administrative legal regulation, cultural policy, culture, subjects of cultural policy, municipal authorities, International cultural organizations

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