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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Shantyr' E.E. Definition of Professions and Questions on Training Personnel for Psychological Services

Abstract: One of most topical issues in practical psychology now is training of specialists and orientation of practical psychology at psychotherapeutic (curative) activity and medical terms. The first problem is that specialists in the field of psychological services get education both at higher educational establishments and educational centers of different psychological schools and branches of psychology. This creates a variety of professions in this area, the terms of educating are fundamentally different. The authors of the present article suggest to train specialists of numerous psychological schools and directions and to conduct their practical training for work in different spheres of human activity only by higher education establishments. The second problem of practical psychology is the medical terminology and the absence of clear theoretical definitions of professional activity of medics related to the problems of mental health and psychology. The authors of the article explain theoretical grounds for fundamental distinctions of activity of specialists in practical psychology and medical specialities and demonstrate that practical psychology is an obviously humanitarian profession. The article contains a brief historical review of the basic directions of practical psychology and the current situation in this sphere. The authors also provide an analytical review of existing psychological services and associated professions in Russia and Ukraine including services mentioned in the Classifications of Professions for these two countries and point out legislative contradictions from the point of view of existing problems.  The methodology of the research involves the development of the basic approaches to  training of personnel in the field of psychological services and theoretical substantiation of the principal differences between psychological activity and medical activity associated with mental health based on the analysis of scientific sources. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors have provided an analytical review of existing professions in the sphere of psychological services in Russia and Ukraine including professions included in the Classifications of Professions for these countries. The authors also give the theoretical justification for the fact that psychologist is a humanitarian profession that does not involve a medical world view and curative manipulations and therefore should not use medical terminology. Disregarding his major, the main objective of a practical psychologist is to encourage the development of personality and mental processes in order to form a completely new Personality capable of solving professional and personal problems and taking care of his health including mental health. The article can be of interest to a wide range of specialists in the field of psychological services, such as researchers, practical psychologists and state officials of the education system. 


problems, topical questions, psychology, practical psychology, psychotherapy, training of personnel, classification of professions, definition of professions, society, medicine

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