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Administrative and municipal law

Trofimova G.A. Training and certification of scientific and teaching personnel

Abstract: The level of training of scientific and teaching personnel influences the quality of both educational system and scientific activity; therefore it is one of the most important aspects of development of a state. At the same time, the existing system has many drawbacks. It concerns, firstly, the estimation of the value of the scientific and teaching staff or the objectivity of requirements to particular positions and the defined conditions of selection; secondly, the recognition of dissertation papers as worth granting candidate’s or doctor’s degree in accordance with the criteria of quality, but not the “payment”; thirdly, the procedure of preparation of dissertation papers during the period of a postgraduate or a doctoral course and in case of a candidate course; fourthly, the responsibility of all participants of the process of presentation and recognition of dissertations. The author attempts to propose the most appropriate variant of the solution of these problems. The author works within the paradigm of dialectical materialism, applies the general scientific and special methods of cognition, particularly the logical, formal-legal and the systems methods. The paper can be used for the optimization of the existing legislation in the sphere of training and selection of scientific and research and scientific and teaching personnel, including the reduction of corruption in giving the diplomas of a candidate (doctor) of science, provision of an objective approach to the distribution of positions in institutes of higher education and research institutes, elimination of gaps between the organizations, responsible for scientific and research personnel training, and the organizations which provide expert assessment of dissertations. 


fight against corruption, qualification requirements, thesis defence, training of scientific personnel, doctoral course, postgraduate course, competition of teachers, expert assessment of the thesis, quality of dissertations

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