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Philosophy and Culture

Yakovlev V.A. The Information Program of New Epistemology

Abstract: The subject of the research is the information program of formation of new epistemology. The author of the article examines the major ability of consciousness to generate not only the knowledge necessary in ordinary practice, but also to create epistemological structures which are necessary for all spiritual cultural and social practices. It is underlined that the information approach is growing more and more important in modern natural sciences and humanities. Especially important role is played by the term 'information' in a set of cognitive disciplines such as neurology, cognitive psychology, sociology and theories of artificial intellect forming a scientific basis of new epistemology. In his research Yakovlev has used the method of the conceptual structure reconstruction from Plato's Symposium as well as the method of critical analysis of modern epistemological concepts. The author provides the level-by-level analysis of scientific development in terms of its historical, institutional and personal aspects. The novelty of the research is determined by the following statements. First of all, the author describes the structure of a new (innovative) epistemology that is based on the information and communication approach to cognition. The author has also revealed the semantic structure of innovative epistemology as the transition of novatoin into innovation which is proves to be true by concrete episodes of formation of new programs in modern physics and cosmology. The author also touches upon isomorphism of communicative and information innovative processes of genesis and statement in science and culture and activity of scientific communities as well as research practice of individual scientists.


culture, information, epistemology, innovation, science, knowledge, communications, structure, resonance, creativity

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