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Law and Politics
Pyl'tsina M.V. (2015). The establishment of the U.S. Department of Agriculture – search for the organizational legal basis for administering farming and agriculture. Law and Politics, 11, 1613–1617.
Pyl'tsina M.V. The establishment of the U.S. Department of Agriculture – search for the organizational legal basis for administering farming and agricultureAbstract: The subject of this research is the historical experience of the establishment of the US department of agriculture, which was tasked with devising a strategy for developing the farming industry and regulating the agricultural relations. Its role in increasing the efficiency of farming and transference of scientific knowledge onto the farming environment became one of its most important roles in agricultural transformations of the country in the second half of the XIX century, and still maintains its relevance even today. A special attention is given to the ideas of George Washington, who’s theoretical and practical findings later formed the understanding of the role of the administrative agricultural establishments in development of the agricultural sector of the economy. The author’s contribution into the research of this topic is the attempt to reconstruct the process of the search for ways to optimize the administration of farming and agriculture. Since the primary direction of the work of the USDA is the implementation of scientific and practical projects in the area of agriculture, the author concludes that there are similarities between this department and the Ministry of Cultivation and State Property of the Russian Empire. Keywords: agricultural projects, agricultural policy, administrative reform, agriculture department, agriculture, law, history, public initiative, George Washington, US
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