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Siyukhova A.M. Adyghe Ethnomusicology: From the Beginnings to International Recognition (Devoted to the Anniversary of Alla Sokolova)

Abstract: The article presents a creative portrait of the famous in Russia and abroad scientist and art critic  Alla Sokolova from Adygea. In 2015 Alla Sokolova is going to celebrate her anniversary. The author of the article provides a description of the polycultural environment in Kazakhstan and Sokolova's professional music education (received in Karaganda and Almaty) which encouraged a better understanding of Kazakh music and efficient methods of studying Kazakh folk art. The author also describes the first years of Alla Sokolova's professional activity and the beginning of scientific researches on the identity and values of the Adyghe folk music. The author of the present article proves the fact that it is possible to analyze and research ethnic culture for a scientist who is not a genetic bearer of tradition. It is emphasized that ethnographic researches started by Kazakhs in the nineteenth century were based on the traditions of Russian science and were written mostly in Russian. The main method used by the author to analyze the scientific activity of Alla Sokolova is the diachronic method combined with the method of structural analysis which has allowed to describe the main focus of her work including research, mentoring, enlightenment and social practice. The novelty of this research is caused by the fact that the author presents a brief review of the main works of Alla Sokolova that demonstrate how she developed the methodology of her system research of the Adyghe music culture. It is proved that her research and mentoring activities created the basis for a scientific school. Alla Sokolova's researches have become an example for many researchers of folk music of Caucasus and Russia in general. The author proves that Adyghe ethnomusicology presented by Alla Sokolova should be recognized at the international level. Foreign speeches and publications of Alla Sokolova present Adyghe music culture to the international academic community systematically. In her researches Alla Sokolova combines narrow music studies with a broader cultural research of long-term complex processes.   


Alla Sokolova, anniversary, Adyghe music culture, instrumental music, system approach, scientific school, followers, ethnomusicology, social projects, international recognition

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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